The Home and Community Health Association represents providers of home and community health services in New Zealand.
The Home and Community Health Association (HCHA) represents providers of home and community health services, and is the national voice that promotes and advances excellence, partnership and sustainability for the sector.
Read more »We provide advocacy, standard setting, information, opportunities for networking and attending webinars, forums and events.
Home and community support includes a range of services available for people who need support to live at home. Services include personal care, household management, nursing treatment, and complex care for people with serious needs
There’s a sense of fulfilment to being a Support Worker that other jobs can’t match. Roles are as varied as the people you work with, letting you shape your career in your own way. By making a difference to others, the life you change may be your own.
WORK THAT MATTERS. Disability support work is super meaningful mahi. You get to help others achieve the things that matter to them.
The Meaningful Mahi campaign is led by Te Pou. It features three spectacular real-life ‘support work matches’, each diverse pair made up of a disabled person and someone who supports them to live a great life.
The PSA, NZNO and E Tū Unions have taken a pay equity claim against a representative group of 15 employers of care and support workers in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Actions the government must take to strengthen the home and community health services sector (service providers, workers we employ, clients we serve) so we can deliver the care clients need, when they need it, removing variations in equity of access, experience of care, and the quality of service delivery.
Home & Community Health Association
PO Box 5344
Wellington 6140