Our Vision: Sustainable, equitable, high-quality provision of home and community health services across Aotearoa

Pay Equity Claims

Care and Support Workers

The PSA, NZNO, E Tū (and NUPE) unions have issued four pay equity claims against care and support workers and front line managers/ coordinators in Aotearoa New Zealand. The original representative claim was against a group of 15 employers of care and support workers in July 2022.

Pay Equity Claim for Care and Support Workers - July 2022

The Claims

Pay Equity Claim #1: Health and Disability Care and Support Workers

The PSA and E tū (the Unions) formally raised a claim on behalf of care and support workers employed by the Employers, and those doing the same or similar work. The claim was raised under the Equal Pay Act 1972 (as amended 2020) (the Act) against 15 employers in July 2022. This first claim is well-advanced, although was delayed by an independent review conducted by Te Whatu Ora/ Health NZ late in 2023.

On 26 January, the 15 named employers and peak bodies responded to the draft report “Secondary Review of Methodology to Determine Sex-Based Undervaluation of Care and Support Work”. The final report has been received and is being considered by Te Whatu Ora/ Health NZ.

Find out more below:

Pay Equity Claim #2: Health and Disability Care and Support Workers

A second claim was filed on 21 November 2023 against 167 employers for care and support workers across the wider health and disability sector. Out of these organisations, there are 25 HCSS providers: 22 are members of HCHA. 

Pay Equity Claim #3: Health and Disability Care and Support Workers

A third claim was filed on Friday 22 December 2023, against 114 employers across the wider health and disability sector. It was re-issued (with only minor changes) on 5 March 2024 as there was a date error.  Most of the named employers in this third claim are aged residential care providers.

Pay Equity Claim: Frontline Managers and Co-ordinators

The PSA and E tū (the Unions) formally raise a claim on behalf of frontline managers and coordinators and those doing the same or similar work employed by the Employers (set out in Appendix 2), (The Claim). The Claim is raised under the Equal Pay Act 1972 (as amended 2020) (the Act).

Find out more below:

General Updates

The PSA, NZNO and E Tū unions filed a pay equity claim against a representative group of 15 employers of care and support workers on 1 July 2022. It is anticipated that if, and when, a pay equity settlement is reached, the Government will look at extending the benefits of any settlement to workers performing the same work in the wider care and support sector.

These general sector updates, and the FAQs provide information about the Care and Support Worker Pay Equity Claim - including background to the claim, progress and next steps, and potential future impacts for employers and their staff in the wider sector. General sector updates will be issued as information comes to hand.

In addition, we will continue to develop the FAQs and notify members when changes have been made.  Please note that the FAQs relate primarily to the Care and Support Worker Pay Equity Claim.    

A separate claim has been lodged for frontline managers and co-ordinators in the sector.  That claim is progressing in parallel, however it was lodged later and is less advanced than the care and support worker pay equity claim.

Find out more below:

Frequently Asked Questions »

What would pay equity mean to me?

What would pay equity mean for me? Ruby

Why I chose care and support work

Why I chose care and support work

What would pay equity mean to me?

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