May 15, 2014
Providers and DHBs have been working collaboratively on a pilot which aims to standardise the
providers’ approach to categorising concerns and complaints.
In the 2011 the Office of the Auditor Generals’ report on home based support noted that there
are very few recorded complaints about services. A recommendation was made for district health
boards to work collaboratively with others to develop a complaints system for people to confidently
raise any concerns about their services.
In 2013 three DHBs started a pilot of a standardised approach to categorising concerns and
complaints when they are received by providers. This pilot will be completed in June this year, and
the aim is for it to get approval to be applied across New Zealand later in 2014.
The outcome will be that providers are more likely to be reporting complaints in a more consistent
manner – across one region and nationally. It should also offer District Health Boards and providers
more reliable information to inform discussions around quality and service concerns.
The Ministry of Health has also worked with Home and Community Support Service (HCSS)
representatives to develop resources for consumers that encourage older people to raise concerns/
Home & Community Health Association
PO Box 5344
Wellington 6140