May 15, 2014
The Home and Community Health Association (HCHA) calls for comprehensive changes to policy, planning and integration of home and community support services in its Briefing Paper 2014
HCHA CEO Julie Haggie says “Four broad actions are needed to ensure that clients continue to have access to safe, good quality home and community support. They are better policy, a focus on the workforce, more choice and flexibility for the client and proactively dealing with legal challenges.
“Our briefing paper outlines the outcomes we are seeking” says Haggie “Primarily we need a clear sense of direction – for clients, funders and providers. We also need consistency of access to and funding of services. Clients should have more choice and control, and also receive more skilled support. We need better use of data to inform service development. And we need to incentivise workers to join the sector, undertake training and provide complex care.
For that to happen, providers need to be able to focus less on legal challenges and mere survival and have the ability to focus on quality improvement and capacity development.”
Some emerging models are showing great results in the improvement of client choice and flexibility, in health outcomes and in the efficient use of resources. Most providers and funders however still struggle with a procurement approach that treats individuals, clients and workers, like widgets. That won’t be good enough to manage that demand that is heading our way. Nor will an approach that squeezes employers or their workers into untenable and unfair arrangements.
Media inquiries
Julie Haggie 04 472 3196
0274 989 126.
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Home & Community Health Association
PO Box 5344
Wellington 6140